Issue Selling
In today’s dynamic, complex, and ambiguous business environments, businesses can no longer reserve all decision making for those at the top of the firm.
No matter how talented they may be, they lack sufficient capacity to map and respond to such environments adequately - - their decision-making will be too slow and cumbersome. Survival in such environments involves getting input from levels below the top as part of a strategy development process, Jane Dutton and I have studied this phenomenon since the late 1980s under the heading of issue selling – examining whether and how middle-level managers try to sell issues to those above them in organizations, hoping to gain upper-level attention for their issue, to have it incorporated as part of the firm's strategy and to see action on it. We now know a lot about the conditions under which people will sell issues versus feeling blocked from doing so, how they will sell issues, and the effectiveness of various approaches. This work culminated in an article (with Jim Detert) highlighting the issue-selling moves of successful and unsuccessful sellers. I hope you'll find this work helpful – it highlights the ways that individuals at all levels of our best companies can be active in influencing the firm’s actions and how those companies benefit as a result.
The Money or the Morals? When Moral Language Is More Effective for Selling Social Issues
Journal of Applied Psychology, 2019
The Role of Issues Selling in Effective Strategy Making
In Handbook of Middle Management Research on Strategy Process, 2017
Issues Selling: Proactive Efforts Toward Organizational Change
In Proactivity at Work: Making Things Happen in Organizations, 2016
Get the Boss to Buy In: Learn to Sell Your Ideas Up the Chain of Command
Harvard Business Review, 2015
Your Boss Won’t Say Yes If Emotions Are Running High
Harvard Business Review, 2014
In Identity and the Modern Organization, 2007
Speaking Up and Speaking Out: The Leadership Dynamics of Voice in Organizations
In Voice and Silence in Organizations, 2009
Breaking Silence: Tactical Choices Women Managers Make in Speaking Up About Gender-Equity Issues
Journal of Management, 2003
Red Light, Green Light: Making Sense of the Organizational Context for Issue Selling
Organization Science, 2002
Moves That Matter: Issue Selling and Organizational Change
Academy of Management Journal, 2001
Championing Charged Issues: The Case of Gender Equity Within Organizations
In Power and Influence in Organizations, 1998
Out on a Limb: The Role of Context and Impression Management in Selling Gender-Equity Issues
Administrative Science Quarterly, 1998
Reading the Wind: How Middle Managers Assess the Context for Selling Issues to Top Managers
Strategic Management Journal, 1997
Selling Issues to Top Management
Academy of Management Review, 1993