Big Changes Come From Small Experiences.
How to change your Behavior, develop soft Skills, And Achieve Personal And Professional Growth Through a Series of Small Experiments called ”flexing”.
“…fundamentally changed how I think about being proactive and adaptable. Now, her book could do the same for you. It’s filled with lucid, practical insights about how to get better feedback, learn more rapidly, and speak up more effectively. In times of turbulence, her expert advice is the anchor we all need.”
- Adam Grant, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Think Again and host of the TED podcast WorkLife

Do you flex in your everyday life now? Take the Quiz to find out.
mEET Sue
Susan (Sue) Ashford is and award-winning scholar and Professor at the University of Michigan, Stephen M. Ross School of Business. Sue’s passion for helping people to be maximally effective in their work lives has driven her teaching and research work on self-management, proactivity, change from below, and leadership and its development. Her published work has been summarized in the Harvard Business Review, New York Magazine and The Conversation. Sue currently teaches worldwide across several programs at the Ross School, in corporate leadership settings, and for senior executives at various companies.
Early Buzz about The Power of Flexing
As Seen On
FT Business Books: September Edition
The Financial Times highlighted The Power of Flexing as one of their top business books of September! Read their review and full list below.
Being your own boss can be liberating, but it can also be paralyzing. Sue’s research gives an essential framework for managing oneself without typical structures.
Sue breaks down her research on leadership- who achieves it, and how a group grants it. This podcast offers tips for those looking to effectively grow leadership in themselves and their employees.
Sue and Stew discuss how to make the gig economy work for you by cultivating connections to people as well as to place, establishing routines, and focusing on purpose.
The Power of Flexing
Sue introduces flexing—a technique that can be used to learn and grow. This warm and practical guide will help every professional and any organization on the journey to greater effectiveness.
About All Business
We all have the power to change, but did you know you have the power to flex? Sue tells us how by explaining what it means to flex, how to set "flex goals," and how you have the capacity to flex every day. This podcast is great practice if you want to grow as a leader.
Money Sense
Sue talks about her book, The Power of Flexing , with Ellenbecker Investment Group and shares her unique perspective on workplace leadership in this podcast on WISN AM 1130.
Secrets of Success
Sue discusses "flexing,” what she means by "emotional regulation," why many people do not take personal responsibility for their own growth, and what the 70-20-10 rule is all about.
How to Turn Your Employees Into Money-Making Rockstars
Sue shares practical ways to train and coach your employees and explains why starting a part-time side hustle can make you more efficient at your full-time job. No matter your job title, this interview will make you a better employee and a better leader.